Monday, May 11, 2015

It's been quite a while since I've posted on here. I've been extremely busy between work and home, but I've been able to meek out some time to paint. I've put my other projects aside in order to get something else done for a friend. It's a display that includes two miniatures that have removable bases for tabletop use. Both figures are from Reaper. The dragon is the red dragon from their Pathfinder line and the barbarian is from their Dark Haven Legends line. Both sculpts were absolutely amazing and the painting has been a pure joy. This is where I'm at now with the dragon.

The first is a close up of the head before work that was done tonight. Tonight, I painted the teeth and began work on the rest of the body. I still need to finish the second layer of color and move up to the mid tone before adding a wash, blend back to the mid tone and then highlight. I'm still unsure as to the color of the horns, but I still have time to figure that out since I'll be painting them last. 

This is the display base which I sculpted out of foamular, covered in a thinned down spackle mixture, added miscellaneous bits of bones from the skeleton warriors kit by GW n primed, painted and flocked. I still need to do a few washes on the grad, add some more flick to the trees, spray with clear and then add some tall grasses.