Friday, March 13, 2015

Alright. This is going to be a very long post (I'm sorry). I've decided to use this as a way to not only keep track of my painting projects (paints, techniques, etc.) but also to breathe a bit of life into my army in progress with a bit of a back story.

So, first thing first. My miniatures. I'm currently involved with a few projects, one completely for myself as a developing Warriors of Chaos army. I have quite a few figures already for this great army that I'm very enthused about.
List as of right now:
The Glottkin (my pride and joy)
Maggoth Lord (haven't decided on who to have mounted)
Chaos Warshrine with mounted Gutrot Spume
5x Blightkings
Mounted Chaos Lord
5x Chaos Knights

I've also grabbed a few other miniatures from both Rackham and Privateer Press that I plan on incorporating into my army mainly as proxies for Beastmen and Chaos Warriors.

My army's theme is that of being devoted to Papa Nurgle, so a lot of mutations, boils, puss and other amazingly grotesque infections.

Now onto the miniatures themselves:
-The Glottkin:
I truly have to say I absolutely LOVE this miniature. I was in awe when I opened the box, and for the $109 price tag, I'm very pleased. The amount of detail is astounding and not only on the large model, but also the two brothers who ride atop. I couldn't help but to assemble the large model, primed and base coated him in 3 days (unfortunately I have a life which includes work and a girlfriend). I've done the majority of the skin tone in a flesh tone by GW and GW's Straken Green with my air brush (my written painting log is packed away so I'm not sure what color exactly at the moment). I set him aside due to still painting other things, I just really wanted to see him with some color.

-Chaos Warshrine:
So, I picked this one up probably about a month or so ago along with Gutrot Spume and a pack of Spirit Hosts. These were my first GW miniatures, so I never really appreciated the detail before since all I had seem were for 40k, and I honestly want impressed. Once I opened these, my opinion changed, impressive detail, and pretty nice casting. Even though I had no idea at the time that the Warshrine was a suitable mount for Spume, I decided I wanted him on it. Go figure, it's allowed in game. I had to alter him since he comes standing on a moulded rock under foot, so I carefully cut that away and replaced the rock with some skulls. I then used a Spirit Host and glued it in place coming from the skulls. I also assembled the rest of the Warshrine in sub assemblies to make it easier to paint, including more skulls and a few Spirit Hosts rising from around the "alter". Obviously, the Spirit Hosts won't have any effect in game, they're just for aesthetics. I primed it all first in black, then used a white to simulate a light source. It makes it easier when painting in my opinion since I can't reference photos instead of just guessing. Given that they are the base and hold the shrine up, I decided to paint the ogres first. I still have yet to complete them, but I've done really well so far, or already I hope I have. You can view the the majority of the painting on my CMON.Com account here:
I have, however, finished the kilts since my lat update there. I'll have to update this when I unpack to document the colors used. This is the progress so far (along with other photos of the entire piece):

I have plans to do some puss oozing from different areas on the bodies once I matte coat them. 

-Mounted Chaos Lord:
I picked this up dorky after buying the Warshrine at a local shop. It was an open item and the previous owner I suspect wanted to convert it with using an ork torso. Unfortunately, it was converted in glue, so I had to immerse it in acetone to eat away at everything and get a better look at the damage. It really wasn't in too bad of shape, so I started my own conversion. It didn't have a head, the hammer was hacked and placed with an ugly armored hand and the spikes on the mount were cut off. I decided since the Pecos owner did all of this, if make the best of it, so going with the Nurgle theme, I drilled through the arm and incorporated the hammer as a mutation. I also used the insect head from the Blightkings box and sculpted a long insectoid neck. I also added two tentacles sprouting from the left arm to match the tentacle holding the shield that came with the miniature. I then began to cut the legs off the mount to reform them to a more dynamic look, one of a house raising up. I still need to cut the other two legs and sculpt to fill in the gaps for allfour legs. I also plan on either re-sculpting the spikes that were cut off or adding skulls to disguise the areas. I'll probably also cut away at the belly of the beast and sculpt falling intestines. I have to say, it truly has been a joy.

As you can see, I also added a standard and I want to say a rack from a terminator onto a shoulder. 

Unfortunately, it's getting late, so I'm going to quit right now and update later as to the other projects I'm consumed with.

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