Saturday, March 14, 2015

Update Continued

Last night I mostly updated information as to my paint progress on my GW Chaos army. I've been playing with ideas lately as to a back story and am centering around the idea of a greater deamon of Nurgle leading this army, mainly due to my inspiration of sculpting said deamon. I'm thinking of either naming the army "Legion of the Eye-less Sight" or "Kult of the Lady of the Eye-less Sight". This is based off  of the drawing I did as my unified battle standard for the army. I used a picture of my girlfriend as reference, then added Nurgle elements and though it's only a rough sketch, the basis for the standard is there. Once painted, I'll bring out all of the details, but I didn't want to go in too much depth with the sketch to keep the main shapes for when I translate it over to the banners. I'm also wanting to now sculpt this deamon based off the standard, mainly because I would love to see more of a female representation from Nurgle than anything else. It won't be overly asexual, but in my eye will be very playing to behold along with the grotesque mutations and boils.

As for the back story, I was thinking that she had once been mortal, possibly a priestess of some benevolent God. After her temple was sacked by the followers of Chaos, she witnessed not only the destruction of the temple but also the torture of her fellow priests and sisters. Somehow, through the carnage, she found delight in the destruction and decay, and when it came time for her torture, she gave herself to over to Nurgle, never feeling the lash of the whip or cut of the knives. Soon her body began to reshape, becoming a harbinger of pestilence. Seeing her now as an ally, her captors released her and welcomed her into their ranks. Through numerous battles, she proved her worth. Choosing to don a sightless helm, she mutilated her enemies, scraping their eyes from the sockets. She quickly rose as a champion of her God, and began to lead a Legion of her own, campaigning across much of the North of the Empire, leading her warriors to victory as she charged across the field in the front ranks. In an unfortunate turn of events, her company was ambushed and she fell to the swords of the Bretonnians, corrupting the ground she fell upon. Papa Nurgle, having found a champion of such might, couldn't allow for such a warrior to fall and bestowed the glorious title of deamon-hood join her. She sprouted from the ground in the Garden of Nurgle, her body lengthened and twisted by her ascension. Cloven hooves took place of her legs, great insectoid wings sprouted from her back and her belly was ripe with Papa Nurgle's children, soon bursting forth bearing nurglings. Her head was was concealed by a sightless helm again, a great gotten rupturing through the metal. Her left hand now bore great claws and her entire right arm was a mass of tentacles. She has since returned to the realm of mortals, once again leading her Legion to victories over the Empire and the armies of other Chaos Gods. None have since seen her without her helm, so it is uncertain as to whether she has a multitude of eyes or none, but all know the ferocity and precision of her swings as she wills a great putrid axe, cleaving any unfortunate enough to meet her in mortal combat, birthing nurglings as she advances.

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